Melin Tregwynt - Woven in Wales for 100 Years

Melin Tregwynt MillWales has had a long-standing tradition with wool and blanket production. Sadly, during the recession in the 1980's, many Welsh mills were forced to close. Melin Tregwynt, however, survived due to their contemporary and timeless designs; their products are a seamless mix of modern and traditional styles.

The range is created in a delightful whitewashed mill in a remote wooded valley on the Pembrokeshire coast. There has been a mill on the site since the 17th century, when local farmers would bring their fleeces to be spun into yarn and woven into blankets. The Melin Tregwynt business has been based there since 1912, and they have recently celebrated their 100th birthday!

We were lucky enough to visit the mill in sunny Pembrokeshire, have a look at our photos below! 

Melin Tregwynt Mill  Melin Tregwynt Mill

We have carefully selected a range that we feel encompasses the spirit and beauty of Wales and its long standing tradition. 

Melin Tregwynt Mondo aquaMelin Tregwynt Mondo naturalMelin Tregwynt Mondo rose 


Own part of your heritage and keep this precious custom alive by investing in a piece of Wales today.

Melin Tregwynt St. David's Cross - cassis Melin Tregwynt Mondo natural

Image Source: Ann & Chris Hemmings

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